The unedited version of Paul Hill's book:
Mix My Blood with the Blood of the Unborn
The reason Paul Hill's book in its unedited form is now on-line.
Shortly after Florida Governor Jeb Bush signed Paul Hill's death warrant, Paul asked me to be his spiritual advisor. Paul and I were friends dating back to the shooting of the babykilling abortionist David Gunn by Michael Griffin. Paul and I would visit in Pensacola and I would stay with him and his family at their home.
After Paul Hill shot the circuit-riding abortionist John Britton that we became even closer. From the time of Paul's arrest we had weekly contact through mail and over the years, many face to face visits. At the beginning of Paul's incarceration he started writing this book. Paul poured himself into his writings and Mix My Blood with the Blood of the Unborn is the product of his work and constitutes his written legacy.
During the ten days preceding Paul's execution, I was with him everyday but two. One of those two days was his immediate family visit day, and on the second day Paul wanted to separate himself to fast and pray. Two days before his execution; Tony, Ms Kitty and I were meeting with Paul. We were preparing for Paul's execution and met to make sure Paul's wishes would be carried out. The discussion regarding the extent of the editing of Paul's book came up. As Tony and Paul discussed Mix My Blood with the Blood of the Unborn and possible editing scenarios, I sat silently by. When I could no longer take it, I blurted out, "It should not be edited at all. It should go out as is, warts and all." Paul instantly agreed and seemed relieved; and that seemed to settle the matter. The discussion ended and we went on to other matters.
We decided Paul's lawyer would draw up the necessary paperwork assigning rights of all Paul's writings, including Mix My Blood with the Blood of the Unborn, to protect the his writings from being altered. The next day, in our presence, Paul signed off when a guard brought the legal papers from his lawyer.
I write the above because I am aware that there is a revision of Paul's book in progress. I was told it would take from a year to a year and a half for the editing process to be complete and that the book cannot possibly go out as is. As far as I'm concerned this length of time indicates more than spelling and grammar correction; which could be accomplish in two weeks maximum by any competent person, and it surely is not the spirit of "warts and all". I therefore, being one of Paul Hill's closest friends, as well as his chosen spiritual advisor, believe it is my responsibility to comply with Paul Hill's request and put his book out totally unedited.
I personally handled Paul's letter Why I Shot an Abortionist and am aware of his preferences in his writing. Paul was always very specific about each word and punctuation point, right down to the last jot and tittle. I know he would not want his work tampered with and he stated so in the presence of three witnesses two days before his execution. Therefore, I am putting Mix My Blood with the Blood of the Unborn online totally unedited.
Rev. Donald Spitz
Director Pro-Life Virginia
Grateful thanks to my good friends Linda Wolfe and those who requested anonymity, whose help in this project was immeasurable.
Please be advised that all Paul Hill's written work is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without permission. You may download a copy for personal use, or use appropriate selections for articles or books.