can submit an e-mail right here.
When people talk about human rights, they don't seem to include fetuses'
right to live. Doesn't anybody say a fetus is actually a human being?
While correctly punishing a satanic murderous doctor is considered illegal,
murdering an innocent fetus, the youngest human being, is actually legal.
While a lot of people are so worried about criminals' human rights, they
don't seem to care for fetuses' human rights.
What's this world coming to?
The betrayal ruling against human race over the Virginia was totally
disheartening, and I hope the upper court will be more sensible.
I only have one sentence to say:
"death to saudi arbia, extermination to islam, may
someone start it and I'll
be the second to follow".
( a Christian who suffered seven years in Saudi Arabia".)
The only reason why baby killing is legal is so the
filthy American
government. Leaders can have more money in their pocket.
First the
baby killers get paid "the doctors", then the doctors
pay off the
government for their evil acts. I think all baby killing
Doctors should
be killed by dehydration just like the way the majority
of the babies
They killed died. What kind of county is this? It
seems the heroes get
placed in prison And the filthy baby killers walk
away, wait, I mean
drive away in their new BMWs.
Daniel Anderson
Rich Saporito
Mommy, mommy, don't do that
choose life and let me live
let me live another day
allow me to go all the way
and be born, someday
mommy, mommy, I feel you walk
mommy, mommy, I hear you talk
I kick and I grin when you speak to me
and I can't wait till all I see
is your face, smiling at me
mommy, mommy, I love you much
and I like to feel your touch
when you laugh I'm happy too
and when you cry, I feel so blue
just like you
mommy, mommy, who are they
why are they chasing us away
they sound like people I'd like to meet
why are they standing across the street
saying, don't do that
mommy, mommy, what's that sound
why am I being turned around
why am I feeling very bad pain
why is my life starting to wane
away from me
mommy, mommy, why did I die
I guess they tricked you, believing a lie
abortion's really murder, didn't you know
the people outside told you so
you should have talked to them
mommy, mommy, they're cutting me
piece by piece, I can see
they're taking my parts, and selling them
I really thought that we were friends
when will it ever end
mommy, mommy
mommy, mommy
mommy, mommy
mommy, mommy
Baby killers baby killers, your mama's pro life
baby killers with your surgical knife
stop shedding innocent blood
in heaven your name is mud
baby killers baby killers, shame on you
baby killers for what you do
you who murder the birth
you're the scum of the earth
baby killers, your god is satan
baby killers, your judgment's waiting
you'll burn in hell the day you die
it's a baby, not your fetus lie
baby killers baby killers shame on you
baby killers for what you do
you who murder the birth
you're the scum of the earth
baby killing butchers with your hippocratic oath
you're a filthy liar saying you do them both
your selling baby parts
you got the devil in your heart
baby killers baby killers shame on you
baby killers for what you do
you who murder the birth
you're the scum of the earth
My GOD, I feel no empathy for the Wrath of God that shall cometh
upon the evildoers that commit such absolute atrocities against helpless
babies, this is the most horrific thing that I have ever seen, I wept,
I NEVER cry, being so hardened and jaded by this absolutely evil and bound
for HADES world, but these horrible pix have sickened me to unbelievable
depths, how can these murderous pigs live with themselves?? I wept, wept,
you see, I know ALL about the "PLAN" of our wicked, Satanic so called government,
and the "New World Order", which involves the "Freemasons", the Luciferian
"Shriners", and of course , the "Illuminati", whom are ALL Satanic worshippers,
they have been exposed, I KNOW WHAT THE DEAL IS, I have "eyes to see, and
ears to hear"!!
I cannot say thanks to you for showing these
absolutely horrible and evil pictures, but thank you for bringing out the
truth, although horrific, these must be seen!! Unfortunately, thank you
for revealing this carnage, perhaps it will wake up the "sheeple", I will
show them to my wife, whom shall be deeply saddened and perhaps become
ill, like I almost did. Please let me know if you need any assistance,
years ago, I must admit, here in Philadelphia, Pa, there once stood
a abortion protester, at Roosevelt Blvd. and Comly Road, I used to drive
by and give him the "finger", but that was because I was IGNORANT, stupid
and BLIND, but I have since "woken" up, I apologize for my "stupidity",
but here is the good news, Praise GOD, I HAVE WOKEN UP!! I am not a very
religious person, I never attend Church because I believe that they are
phony, but I still believe what the Glorious BIBLE says and I am a TRUE
Believer..keep up the work, however horrible the images seen on your website..if
you know what I mean..MARANATHA!!
Yours in Christ
X-Originating-IP: []
Message-ID: <>
Dear Army of god
My name is Ahmed Ali Sultan i live in cario
i read your web site , sadly for your souls you dont know islam, i only
ask of you to read about islam you will find it peaceful.
I am not happy about your web site i will give you
9 days to change it or i will take matters to my own hand . I am
very rich and can afford to teach all responsble a lesson in life .
I accpet a answer soon.
Dear Ali
We believe in Jesus Christ who died for our sins upon
the cross of Calvary and was raised from the dead. He is the only way of
Subject: partial birth abortion?? theres no
such thing in Nebraska
Hello, i choose to write this email on behalf of all the workers at
Abortion Clinics around the country. I work for a VERY good
doctor and i see EVERYTHING that goes on in the rooms, I am his medical
assistant.....there is no such thing as P.B.A's!!! Not here in Nebraska
anyways!!!!! The pictures all the Pro Lifers show are so fake, they don't
know why the women come to the clinic to have an abortion, and also they
We send girls home all the time
if we see that they cannot deal with the whole abortion thing. It is PURELY
CHOICE if she wants or needs to have an abortion, not her family, not
her boyfriend!!!! We ask the girls if anyone has forced them, told them,
or threatened them to have this procedure done, if they get emotional,
that just means that abortion is not THEIR choice and send them home pregnant.
Nobody knows what's going on in an abortion clinic until you have ACTUALLY
been in one!!!!
I have had two abortions, once when i was
15 (too young) and getting pregnant was a mistake. I also had one about
9 months ago due to my husband cheating on me, we got a divorce and already
have a 2 year old boy. I'd rather not have ANOTHER baby asking where his/her
daddy is on struggling to make 2 kids' life perfect. I want my son that
I have now to have everything and anything he needs and why put a unwanted
child through misery????!!!!
If nobody agrees with my point
of view, that's fine, but EVERYONE has a FREEDOM OF SPEECH and you just
mine!!!!!!!!!! I welcome any comments that you may have,,,,,it
just doesn't matter what anyone has to say, because you don't live MY life
Hello. My name is Joseph and I want to thank
you for this web site. Most people have indeed been "brainwashed" by the
educational systems for over the last 30+ years. Back in the late '70s
I argued with my biology teacher about what is life etc.. She just tried
to shut me up. Later, was working in Drug Rehab and was able to get a personality
test and talked my biology teacher into taking it. It indicated that she
was suicidal. Interesting, where her belief system led her When I lived
up north, I used to picket those murder clinics. I now live in the Tampa,
Fl area. Is there any Pro Life Groups in this area that I can connect up
with? I like very active groups (not holding hands and praying in a corner
type groups). "Faith without works is dead".
God bless you. I support you greatly and especially
imprisoned who have saved any unborn. I pray for Eric
Rudolph. I support local right to life and have been
persecuted myself for opposing an adulterous female
judge who herself had an abortion within the past
Eastern Kentucky is no longer a bastion of
God-fearing conservatism.
Again, God be with you all.
those innocent babies rest in peace with the grace of God! And may those
who killed them spend eternity in the wrath of hells fury!
Shelley Shannon They
have captured Eric Rudolph, and there's a lot of controversy about the
things he's accused of doing. I refuse to condemn him or his actions.
Do we have to agree with everything anyone
ever did in order to appreciate their life-saving efforts?
Assuming he did it, I certainly like how Eric
closed that murder mill (saved babies' lives) far more than I like how
the thousands of other Christian men who could have in other ways didn't.
The rebuttal also comes forth that executing murders is murder, and
therefore is wrong. That is foolish. Killing a murderer isn't
"murder" any more than arresting a kidnapper is "kidnapping". Arresting
kidnappers and executing capital criminals is enforcing the law, not breaking
I would like to apologize for a mean spirited letter I sent you a while
ago. After I sent that letter, I thought about the subject of abortion
a lot, and I have to say that I don't agree with it now.
Women who sleep around should
take responsibility for their actions and girls who it happens to by accident
should put those babies up for adoption.
Just one thing I don't agree with
is how you condone abortion clinic bombings and such. Like on your webpage
where it shows that women that got cut up from the blast and how you said
she got a taste of her own
medicine, I think that's just wrong.
I am sure that every person that
works in an abortion clinic wants to find a way out, I know that I wouldn't
work in a clinic like that unless I absolutely, absolutely, had to. I know
those situations are rare though.
Anyway, please accept my apology
for flaming you. I see now that I was wrong. I am, after all, only human
and humans make mistakes. Abortions are mistakes. But in the end, we learn
from our mistakes.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I have gone through your website, and it was
so interested. I am from Nigeria, 20 of age,
a medical student. Please How do i enroll on
any program in your organization or if
possible i will like to join the Army. I will like
to receive an application form on an
program there, if there is option to join me, i will
be have happy.
waiting for your reply.
Thanks and regards
Hi , Fellow Christians
Im strong against abortion i can have something but too see the pictures
of those babies is just to much for me and it hurts me
deeply !!!
so u have my support .. also here in the netherlands i
will spread this also .
Bye bye Roel verschuren Holland (Amsterdam) wrote:
Eric I hold you in highest esteem.
Eric is a HERO
I want
to join it but I'm 16 years old. Am I too young and is different
race allow?, since I'm Korean American.
I'm glad you wrote. Race does not matter, God created
every human being, so whatever race one is, that is the race that God created
him or her to be. Who can fight against God? Please read the link on Racism.
I don't know Eric but I do want to help him. I have the gut feeling
that he didn't do what he is accused of. I may
be wrong. But I do believe in pro-life. How can anyone
destroy a precious baby? I' had never heard of your
organization until Eric was arrested. and of course, they
are going to bring everyone into this.
I have written to Eric but so far, no reply. He has a lot
going on right now so I guess it should be expected.
These abortions have to end and end now. So if I can help,
let me now.
Should black babies be aborted so that they will not face a life
discrimination and racism, lost opportunities, second class citizenship
become hate crimes victims...
(Editor: Dear,
See the page on Racism to answer your question)
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
Please can you send me information for reading from your Movement and
do you
have a contact in Germany?
Best wishes your friend
I wanted to let you know that I just sent you a donation of $40.
It isn't much, but right now it's all I can afford.
You guys are truly strong Christians to hold your stance against abortion.
I applaud you for not backing down.
So many so called Christians today twist the Bible any way they see
fit to justify their way of life. It's easy to turn
your back on the Lord, but it takes true courage and strength to walk
the straight and narrow.
If Mr. Rudolph and his family get a chance to read this, know
that I'm praying for you, and praying that
Yahweh will watch over you and keep you safe.
May Yahweh bless you all.
Eric my name is Mary Ice and I am here to say I stand behind you all
the way and that you are in my
prayers and will always be. I am glad to know that you and other
are out there willing to give there lives
for the lives of an unborn baby. I believe that you will also
have everlasting life in the eyes of the lord for
protecting his little children.
Your Friend Always,
Mary G. Ice
Hi there, i think your website is absolutely fantastic and i totally
agree with pretty much everything on this site.
Im so glad there are christians out there who are not afraid to take
'direct action' in 'just cases' such as in this subject of
abortion/slaughter of innocents.
It is my favorite website and has been my home page for a long time
now. Its opened my eyes to so much as before i disagreed with it but God
put it in my heart to question why i disbelieved...i hadn't researched
deep enough to
have my opinion justified so i decided to. And after having read the
whole site twice practically i decided its perfectly
just to execute an abortionist as it is indeed plain murder of an innocent
person as my example below will show;
If a baby was being attacked by a madman in the street with an ax or
about to be, im sure the police would rush to the scene and take whatever
action necessary, but when it gets to abortion where there is the same
event taking place but this time in a private building with another mad
man (abortionist), then its a whole different ball game and why?.........simply
because the gestapo tyrannical gov't whom i believe is no longer ordained
of God, says its legal to murder babies. So much hypocrisy here its
unbelievable. There is no difference as both the madman on the street
and the abortionist both had and have the intention of
mutilating and murdering the baby except one is legal in 'mans' eyes
and the other is not again in 'mans' eyes.
Keep up the good work and prepare as much as you all can for the coming
'attempt' of the confiscation of guns as part of this New World Order.
Anyone who wants to check my website out can do so at;
Remember people: "Be a shepherd, not a sheep" regarding the view
on this controversial subject......just because most people
disagree with it, don't mean it must be wrong.....think for yourselves.....i
made the same mistake....we would do well to read this whole site and with
an open mind or to be fair our opinion isn't a fair or educated one and
thus void.
Peace people!
Eric Rudolph is a hero to the pro-life movement. He will be our martyr
and we shall continue the fight in his God's name.
Those who have not already should join their local militia or form
their own. The time is now to buy firearms to defend ourselves against
the godless government and to protect the lives of our unborn. We
will continue the fight although
Rudolph is being persecuted for his beliefs.
The House has passed the PARTIAL BIRTH ABORTION BAN!!
I Hope to God that Eric sees this!! This is something I have been praying
Thank God for people like yourselves that fight for the lives of babies!!
You make things like this possible!!!
One day, the slaughter of innocent babies will be put to an end!!!
God bless all of you!!!
Deborah Peters
Hi there! I have emailed you a few times over the past years, but never
with such sorrow. I am speaking of the capture
of Eric, of course. I am SURE you are being bombarded with emails,
so I will make my question quick. Do you have
an address for him as of yet? I have been searching the internet,
yet still have not found one. If you have it,
I would GREATLY appreciate it, and if I find it in the meantime, I
will FW it to you. Thanks in advance!
The stunning pictures of aborted children appearing on your web site
graphically points out the hypocrisy of all this "God Bless
America" rot we're saturated with each and every day. How can
we expect Him to bless a nation that permits this horror and calls it a
I would like permission to show some of these pictures on my own web
site, Please confirm or deny as soon as possible, and thank
The work you are doing is invaluable.
from Amanda
I cant believe that Eric has been caught, Why Oh WHY are they
trying put everything else on him. I have prayed for him for so
long. I couldn't believe it when I saw his picture on TV. I had wanted
to see him for so long, but not like this. I hate that the POLICE OFFICER
lost his life, but it doesn't compare to the lives of all the children
aborted everyday. They never get a chance..God BLESS ALL....
Thanks to the Army of God, a few more babies will live
to know the Lord. We are please with your Army of God
and may the Lord Jesus God Bless This Group of
Christians until He returns!!!
I have had Eric on my daily prayer list since that wondrous day in
before a name was given to the bomber. He will continue to stay
there. I hope he
escapes to defend children again.
I was praying that the finding of Eric Robert Rudolph was nothing more
than a hoax, with the hopes to make Ashcroft and
the FBI look like heroes.
Unfortunately, it isn't. They have 'their man.' And if that is not
enough, they pinned every damned bombing to a baby killing
clinic and gay bar, on ERIC!!
..... I don't know what he did or did not do. I know that he has the
lives of the innocent in mind. That's what matters to me.
I saw the picture of nurse Ratchet - Lyons, on your site. How can she
live with herself knowing that she helps to kill
babies?? A woman, that is given the special gift of bringing a baby
into this world, turns around and helps to kill them! I
will NEVER understand that as long as I may live.
I am praying for Eric. They can't seek the death penalty against him,
can they? Oh God in heaven, I hope not!
I am thankful for your organization. I am thankful for people like
yourselves that look out for the lives of the innocent!!
May God be with you and bless you,
the torch will be carried
I am a 14 year old boy who hasn't much influence in the world, but that
will surely change. I
agree with almost all the beliefs of the Army of God, it is good to
know that there is an
organization out there fighting the biggest holocaust of the world.
Hitler had nothing on the
liberals of the United States.
Anyway I thought it would be pleasing for you to know that you have
someone to carry the
torch of the truth and I will fight evil with all I can. Please keep
in contact as it is
good to hear from those who share my beliefs. I will not give up. I
have the ambition to save
so many, and I believe that is God's great plan for me.
God Bless, please write back,
(name deleted
I don't know where to begin. I am devastated and in mourning since
I heard that Eric was in police custody. I lived
in N. Georgia & spent a lot of time in Andrews & Murphy.
One million dollars is tempting, but I never would have
turned him in & I would have helped him in any way possible.
Eric was & still is a folk hero. Nothing could catch him, all those
big agencies, down to the local yokels - not even
with their high tech gadgets.
I'm still trying to make sense out of this mess, but I can't. My only
joy was knowing, for sure, that Eric was still
God Bless You Eric. You will be in my thoughts & prayers constantly.
Love to ya!
(name withheld)
Eric is down, our last fugitive. Like Clayton, whatever
wrongs he may have committed, whatever particulars with which we do not
agree, he saved many babies.
I am a college student and choose Army of God to do a research
paper on. I have found a lot of information and agree with many of the
philosophies of the group. Can you tell me if they are still in existence,
particularly in the Atlanta area? Is there an
organized group or contact person?
Greetings friends , I just heard about eric. To bad i couldn't find
him before the young punk cop. We could have hidden him
forever right here in GA. I would really like to slap around
that punk cop . He should have let him go if he had any
balls. They have already convicted eric on the stupid news.
It really pisses me off. Even if he did do it ,its an eye for an eye.
Just look at the pictures if you don't believe me. I am trying
to get in contact with XXXXX. I used to have his e-mail
address but kind of lost contact. Can you help ? Please somebody
HELP eric get a attorney before he gets screwed. I wish
I could help him he is my hero. I am going to put signs up around
this little town i live (milledgeville GA.) to free rudolph.
after all its freedom of speech. Look forward to hearing from
Hello! My name is Carrie Williams. I watched a special on HBO this
morning and wanted to email you to tell you that I am proud. Proud to know
that we have people in this world like you willing to give their lives
in order that others might live. I just wanted to show my support to you
and let you know that I am praying for you and your cause. Sincerely,
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love
God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own
understanding. Proverbs 3:5
thank the lord there are others out there who feel the way i do i just
pray for you all
I have watched the program on TV about you people,
and I can see that you are right in many ways, I'm trying
change people through my music, my parents are Christians,
and the views around here are the same considering the state
of our country, we feel like these ARE the end times, but
we keep our heads up and work hard at our craft!
I wish you the best! The television program
did nothing but wake people up, it may have tried to paint
you people
out to be insane, but they are the same people pushing homosexuality
on our public, trying to make it seem OK!
our country is like an apple that is rotting from the inside out,
and its sad, and scary! we are protected
by the blood of
Jesus here, so just live out your dreams, and work
hard toward your goals.....
Hello. I'm from Altoona, PA and I'm
fourteen. I was absent from school today
and I was laying on my couch while I flipped
channels. I caught a glimpse of
the show and I turned it there. Well, anyway
I watched it and I wanted to
contact you and tell you how strongly I'm
against abortion. The blasphemous
ways and sinful doings of abortionists gives
me a sick feeling in my
stomach. I looked at your pictures and was
horrified. Don't they realize
what they are doing? When they said in that
ignorant little prochoice
"church" they have made me cringe. Woman don't
only have no right to kill
their babies, they have no right to support
the other killings of babies.
More power to you and God bless.
view helpless babies murdered by BABYKILLING ABORTIONISTS Click here.
Back to Army of God homepage.
Genesis 9:6
Whoso sheddeth man's blood,
by man shall his blood be shed:
for in the image of God made
he man.
Numbers 35:33 So ye shall
not pollute the land wherein ye are:
for blood it defileth the land:
and the land cannot be cleansed of the
blood that is shed therein,
but by the blood of him that shed it.
To contact e-mail:
Telephone 1-757-204-4454
Or write to: Rev. Donald Spitz
Glory to Jesus Ministries
P.O. Box 2876
Chesapeake VA 23327